Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sisterhood of the Traveling Sisterhood

You may recall that DH's sister Peanut recently graduated from high school. She left last week for college. My in-laws finally have an empty nest for the first time in 38 years. Can you believe it? Pretty unbelievable. Another post for another day.

Anyway, in case I've not mentioned it before, I'm a sorority girl. Not just in college, I now volunteer on a national level with the organization. It's pretty cool, I have business cards and everything. DH says he is proud yet mocks me at the same time. But I don't care. ;)

So not only did Peanut go to my Alma mater, she decided she was going to go through sorority recruitment as well. I was so excited, I wrote her a recommendation and I just daydreamed about us having a sisterly bond and secrets for life. Like we don't already, but just bear with me.

Long story short, when the fun was over, she had chosen another sorority on campus. A good one, but a different one. I found out through the grapevine that she had not chosen mine before the actual event and I was so disappointed I was actually in tears. But! I am unbelievably proud of her for choosing for herself and not for me, but I'm still heartbroken. Now that I've come to terms with it, I'm still sad, I won't lie. But again, I'm so proud of her for choosing with her heart. It's her college experience and I have no doubt she will have a good one. By the time she called to tell me her news, I was over my tearful sadness. I wouldn't want her to worry about hurting my feelings for anything! I absolutely don't want to take away from her excitement!

When I was active in the college chapter my friend Smash came through. She was a legacy of another sorority. Specifically, her mother was a member of another sorority. Well, Smash felt most comfortable with us and ultimately chose us. I will never forget her crying while telling a couple of us, her new friends and sisters, that her mom was so mad at her for not choosing her sorority. Her mom.

I thought of Smash and her mom while I was crying about Peanut not choosing my sorority. I began drying up immediately.

I've had friends and sisters contact me since yesterday to find out what Peanut did and I've had to relive it all. My friend Misty called me this morning and said really, didn't I think it was pretty funny that of all people, my little sister didn't choose my sorority? Since it's a pretty well known fact that The Boss Lady bleeds Pink & Green. (do those girly colors surprise my gentle readers?)

So, it's all good, Peanut is going to have a great college experience and a great greek experience! After all, she is already my sister for life and I love her no matter what letters and colors she wears!


Rachel H. said...

Are you a DZ? If so, me too...

Boss Lady said...

Why yes, I am! I'm making a Delta & a Zeta with my fingers between key strokes! :)

Stephanie said...

Ha ha...you girls are silly. No doubt that if I had actually made it to college I would have gone greek too.