Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Read this Blog Within Five Minutes or Your Eyelashes Will Fall Out!

I just opened one of those incredibly annoying emails that tells you to forward it immediately to at least 10 of your friends or your dog will die. This one was especially ridiculous. I won't even bother you with the contents. But I really wonder what kind of "friend" would even bother to send me something that says some great disaster will befall my family if I don't forward a STUPID email I didn't even read.

So here it is. I will NOT forward it to all my friends. Because as soon as they received my crazy chain letter, they would ban me from all friendly gatherings. And I like my friends AND their gatherings. EXCEPT the ones who send me stupid chain letters. You're off my BBQ invite list!


Jim Duggan said...

Not to mention all of those "if you are not ashamed of Jesus . . ." emails.

I am NOT ashamed of Jesus . . . I am ashamed of those friends.

Mandy said...

AMEN sister! I cannot STAND those stupid e-mails, and I have some friends who insist on sending me 10 per day. I've even sent out the nice "please don't forward me crap" e-mail, and it didn't get me anywhere. Oh well, I guess that's why we have a "delete" button.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Jim. If it has a good message, I will copy & paste the contents of the message & leave off the forward to 10 friends within 10 minutes or your left car tire will explode as you make a right turn into your driveway on Thursday evening. :)