Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Like Weddings and I Cannot Lie

Do you remember the episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond" where Robert & Amy got married? It was hilarious. Robert was the eternal stick in the mud, the real life Eeyore of the family. And Amy was his goody goody fiancee. Or so it seemed.
Then the wedding episode. The first dance. They start dancing slowly to a romantic song and suddenly the music switched over to "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis. And it is one of the funniest TV scenes ever in my opinion. I was in tears watching it.
Here is a fabulous YouTube video of a couple who did the same thing at their wedding except with the old classic "Baby Got Back" and caught it on tape. (Thanks MandyPoo!)
It's not Robert & Amy, but still HILARIOUS!


Mandy said...

I've watched this video about ten times now. It is just so darned funny!

Mandy said...

**That is supposed to say darn, lol.

Boss Lady said...

It's awesome, I love it!

Anonymous said...

So, work on it for your 20th Wedding anniversary party... I know you can work it! Yeow!