Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Hard Work. Period.

I am feeling very annoyed. I am a mom. I also work outside the home. Because I have to. I would LOVE to be able to stay home with my kids, you have no idea.

I do have an identity. I had a career before my children were born, I have a job to pay the bills now, and I will have a career when the children are older. I will always be a mom, but that is my primary job now.

Number One Son & Queenie are in elementary school, so they are in school most of the day and The Flying Monkey is preschool aged. I get more time with them than most working moms, so don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining.

But here is what I hate. It annoys me to no end to hear a stay at home mom complain. Well, let me finish. It annoys me to hear a stay at home mom complain about silly things like having to go to the grocery store, or not "getting a break." Really? I know being a mom is a hard job. Really. It's hard all around, no matter what else you do on top of it. And being a stay at home mom is not a picnic. It's not soap operas and bon bons. If you're doing it right.

"I have so much to do today. I have to do laundry and vacuum and start dinner. And don't forget I have to do a craft with Junior. I just don't know if I'm going to be able to make it to the grocery store today."

Give me a break. This is no disrespect to my SAHM friends, who I am extremely jealous of. I'll admit it. Thankfully, none of my SAHM friends complain like that. They are all fun moms who make me laugh and smile and want to be like them.

And I used to stay at home, briefly, when Number One Son was a toddler and I was pregnant with Queenie. So, I DO understand needing a "break" every once in a while. Grown up conversations every now and then are necessities. Ha!

I could go through my day and see how busy I am, but it's not about who's more busy. It's not a competition about who is more busy, who is the better mom, who can do more, who has it better.
It's about being a mom. Period. Don't complain about how bad you have it and how tired you are, when people would kill to be able to spend half the time with their children that you do.

And as much as we love being at home with our children, not everyone can afford that luxury and it does no good to make someone feel bad about not being able to do it. My beautiful Marvelous Marie will testify to that.

I have a great job. I can drop my older children off at school, I take the youngest with me, I can pick the others up from school and go home in the afternoon with everyone and we have time together. I don't complain. Well, I do complain about my job, but NOT the schedule! :)

I'll tell you why this was all over me today. I would do anything to be able to be at home all day with my kids. Really. But I can't, and it's ok. I'm not mad about it.
But I encountered a woman today who doesn't do anything but take her children to preschool and go play tennis or shop. And she was complaining about how she never had time for herself and never had time to do this or do that. And that she never had a break from children and her house was a wreck because of all this.
What do you do 5 mornings a week while your angel is at preschool? Just curious.

So, I apologize if I've offended anyone with my post. I didn't mean to. Like I said, it's not directed at SAHM's in general. Since I am a Wannabe SAHM.

And I imagine anyone who fits the bill doesn't enjoy the Boss Lady's posts anyway, so I'm probably ok.

So, here I am signing off,
A Mom.


Mandy said...

I'm soooo with you on this!

Jamie W. Riexinger said...

I am not a mom, but I know exactly what you mean. I know someone just like the woman in your blog.

Boss Lady said...

Poo ~ Yeah, I was sensitive to it all that day... :)
Jamie ~ Thanks for the comment. Your feet & flowers picture is too cute!