Monday, June 2, 2008

My Tax Dollars at Work

I walked in the door of my neighborhood post office to mail a letter at 1:20 pm. I had one letter, I just needed a stamp. My children were playing at their grandma's house, so I thought I was having a party getting go anywhere alone. Even if it was the post office. In other words, I was not in a hurry, if I had known the line was so long or had my children, I probably would've gone to the grocery store to get a stamp and driven up to the mailbox. (there are no stamp machines in our neighborhood post office anymore - go figure)

There was one woman behind the counter. There are four windows. At 1:52 pm I was walking out of the post office to my car.

That extra 1 cent for postage was obviously not intended for hiring an extra person to work the post office windows. Wow.


Rachel H. said...

That is terrible, and I hate it when I experience something SO annoying like that.

Jim Duggan said...

You should see our post office. The parking lot has (I counted one day)15 parking places, two of which are handicapped and five reserved for mail carriers. I went in the other day, had to park NEXT DOOR, expected a long line, since the Lot was full (except the handicapped places). One lady was getting mail out of her box, on man was in line at the counter - with me that was 3 people, and I wasn't parked in the lot.

I commented about it to the clerk, she said all those places were taken by the mail carriers!!!! Yet I thought around here they all drove their own personal vehicles in their route.

Here's the kicker! Yesterday they had the whole lot all blocked with workers. They added two more places. YAY!!!!! Both handicapped.

Government intelligence at work.

Jim Duggan said...

Learned something new today . . . The USPS is not supported by tax dollars. They are a self-sufficient agency.

They are still stupid sometimes though!

Boss Lady said...

Well, how about that? Well, I guess those are my stamp dollars at work! :)