Sunday, June 1, 2008

So, I'm a Blogger

It seems like just yesterday that I started this blogging thing. And I'll be honest with you, I started because I was trying to make some money. I wish I could figure out how people do this and make money!

But now that I've started - it's been 9 months now - I have discovered I really like it! And I'll be honest with you again, it's a total release for me. An outlet, a way to let off steam.

Very few people in my life know of my Bossy identity. Of course there's DH, but other than that, a handful of people know that I have this fabulous blog right here! Some of my favorite readers know my mere mortal name, like Jim, Skittle & Mrs. MandyPoo, but they know that if they tell anyone, I would have to kill them. So now, Twin Sister, Air Force Wife and Blondie are in on the secret. Well, since an entire post was about them, I felt I had to tell them!

Don't think I'm going to go let everyone know my secret identity though. I like my outlet. I like being able to vent and type away until I feel better.

And thank you, gentle readers, for making me feel comfortable in doing just that.


The Chick said...

I know just how you feel! I've been blogging for almost a year now, and it's a great way to let it out! BTW, I love that new profile pic!

Mandy said...

Not too many people around here know of my site, either...I enjoy being able to talk about whatever I want, too!