Thursday, January 10, 2008

Resolve to Be Happy

So, I'm going to rat myself out again, I watched the Today Show this morning. I usually just don't have time, but it was on and I stopped and watched this bit on being "Happy for No Reason."
That doesn't make sense. Of course, there's more to the story than that.
Resolving to be happy, no matter what. Which we all know, is harder than it sounds. Or is it?

In this day and age, more people than ever take antidepressants to help them "smile." Some need them, some just need to "take the edge off." I am not going to address the whole prescription medication for depression debate. Yeah, I'm not dumb enough to go there.

However, I know that sometimes the way we feel has everything to do with how we feel about ourselves. Or how we feel about what is going on around us. The woman being interviewed said that 85% of the thoughts going through a woman's head during the day are negative. She also did a very interesting exercise with Meredith. Go watch the video and see it.

She had Meredith hold her arm out straight and resist her pushing. She did. She then had her say 3 times, "I am not good enough" and then try to resist her pushing. She could not.
Meredith tried again, but this time after saying "I am good enough" 3 times. She resisted the pushing. Wow.

A simple exercise, some might even say a little silly. But it spoke volumes for what goes on in our minds.

"Don't listen to everything people say," your mom probably told you as a kid. Well, now, I say, "Don't listen to everything YOU say."

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me! But in all seriousness, that is now my New Years Resolution! What? I don't make those!

But I am this year. I will resolve to be happy! One of my faults is that I worry. I am awesome at worrying. I could win a gold medal in worrying. And I know that it is wrong. That's something I try to work on daily during my prayer time! But I know my God tells me I AM good enough!

So, we're living, stuff happens, move on! I'll be happy! What about you?

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I think I'm the polar opposite of a "worry-er" because I just let everything roll right off me and purposely not think about it so I won't worry...which is not so good, either! But I like your resolution!