Sunday, February 10, 2008

How to Break the News?

M passed away today. She was a long time friend of the family and DH and I are so very sad. I know she is no longer in pain, and that must bring her family comfort, but I still grieve for them.

She was also employed at Number One Son's and Queenie's school. DH and I are wondering how on earth to tell the kids. We found out about her death right at bedtime tonight, so we definitely knew that telling them tonight was out of the question. I am not really sure how they will handle it at school tomorrow, so we are actually thinking we might should tell the kids in the morning before school. I just want the news to come from us. I just don't know...

I'm on my way to go tuck all three of them in bed one more time and give them big hugs. Hugs to you all, too.

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