Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ice Cold Milk and an Oreo Cookie

After-school snack time in the Boss Lady household can be challenging. Three bossy kids, three bossy tastes, one bossy boss. What's for snack?!?

Yesterday, it was popcorn, it tamed all three savages quite well. Today it was Oreo cookies. I don't give those out often, but I was feeling warm and mommy-ish.

Now, I guess you might have figured out by now that all 3 of my boss-kins march to their own very distinctive drummers. And we love it that way. It keeps us on our toes and I know I have 3 very creative and intelligent people growing up around me.

Well, today while Number One Son & Queenie are contently eating their 3 Oreo cookies while finishing their homework, The Flying Monkey is sitting down, staring at his 3 Oreos.

The Flying Monkey: "Mommy. Please, I have some milk, please?"
Me: "You want some milk?"
TFM: "Yes. To dip my cookie."
Me: "Oh. OK."

No one in our house eats our Oreos that way. We all just bite into them, with the exception of Number One Son, who opens them and eats the filling first.

So, I bring a cup of milk to The Flying Monkey and watch him dip his first cookie in the milk. Dip, dip, dip, shake. Bite. Bite. Look. Bite. He does this with each cookie until he's done. He then takes his cup into the kitchen and puts it on the counter.

Me: "Wait, you still have some milk, finish it."
TFM: "No, it has cookie in it. I done."

My 3 year old has mastered the Oreo Dunk. His father is so proud.


Mandy said...

I eat my oreos the same way as the Flying Monkey! It's the ONLY way to eat an oreo!!!

Stephanie said...

Madi is a dunker, and I am a twister. Now I would like oreos!